Sunday, August 2, 2015

(Day 6) That one time I drove to Wyoming

So... Uh... I got up and started off on my first day on my own. The plan was to hit Mile High Flea Market and Heritage Square before driving northward to Cheyenne, Wyoming... Yup... My idea of fun is driving to Wyoming..... Originally I was gonna spend a good part of my day in Cheyenne, even spending the night before making my way back to Salt Lake City and heading home but because I accidentally miss-booked my return flight, I ended up with an extra day... Rather than hang around Cheyenne I opted to see what I wanted to around the city before driving as far west as I could that afternoon. That way I could sneak in a bonus stop the next day and still have time to do things in Salt Lake. Yup

So after dropping off Rob the night before, I made my way to my hotel I just booked unknowing from Hotwire. It ended up being just a few blocks from Water World, the second largest water park in the world (D'Oh!) I hadn't planned on going because I would have been a single rider at a park with a ton of group based slides but it still kinda sucked being so close... Even if I wasn't gonna go in, I still drove past and took a few photos... For sure, Water World is on my To-Do list for a return to Denver.
Ah... there it is, Hyland Hills Park Water World.
The park wasn't even opening for another hour when I show up but people were already parking their cars and lining up at the front entrance. I just made a quick drive around the property line and made my way off to Heritage Square.
 Turbo Racer mat slide, one of the newest slides here.
Just showing off how close the park is to Downtown Denver.
 The Revolution, the parks massive Proslide Bowl
(they also have 2 body slide bowls in the park)
 Lost River of the Pharaohs, one of the three massive themed 'dark ride' water slides...
I couldn't get a photo of the parks most famous slide, Voyage to the Center of the Earth. But someday I hope to ride it :(
Spacebowl, part of Pranktank, Skyline Speed Slides, and on the far left the Funhouse Express Gondola lift can be seen in this photo... Yeah, the place is so big it has a ski lift to get you from one side to the other!
And one last photo... of Mile High Flyer, the parks massive Water Coaster.
After leaving Water World I made my way over to Golden, CO, home of Amusement Park at Heritage Square (with a stop for some num nums along the way)
While still miles from the place, the alpine slide is extremely visible.
It was a bit of a challenge getting to the park. It was a Sunday and the park has its own mini-mega-church on site that was packed, there was also a bike road race going on with lanes and entire streets blocked off... But I did eventually make it to the park
Oh, Colorado.....
Heritage Square, the place has a pretty neat/long history. Built to be a Disney of Denver... with the help of people who built Disneyland themselves although it underperformed and was in an off and on state of being open and closed and renamed and re-branded. While the area is currently operating for the 2015 season... There is an extreme possibility it could be the last. As is, there is a whole section of the park blocked off, no longer being used... but the current owners also own the quarry next to the park and once they are finished with it, will likely close the park (if Internet rumors are correct)
Neat looking train.
The train as well as the lift and alpine slide are separate attractions from the amusement area and require their own tickets.
I passed on the train, but did take the ski lift up the mountain
(and the Alpine Slide back down)
A bit much on the signs... eh?
Epic Alpine Slide
Denver, from the top of Jackson Hill. I wish it hadn't been so hazy.
You could actually see Elitch Gardens from up here.
Woo, the Alpine Slide!
It ended up being one of the best I've ridden :D
Also, I LOVED how they had dedicated sides for people who wanna go fast vs people who wanna go slow.
(fast for meeeeee)
Ready to go. The slide is also pretty long and has a good amount of downhill sections, the only thing it lacks is being in the woods or at least near some trees. The whole slide is exposed on the hillside so I still prefer the one at Attitash.
After my slide, I made my way down to the amusement park area. Its mostly kid rides now but at one point it had more adult based attractions.
Overview of the ride area, home to two coasters!
First up was the powered Miner Mike.
That I squeezed my ass into and awkwardly rode while people gave me strange looks...
Python Pit Roller Coaster is the parks other coaster.
The worst part was... it wasn't even a +1 for me. I had ridden this very coaster some 11 years earlier when it was located at Jeepers inside the Concord Mills Mall in North Carolina.
Uh, the only Nerd Shot for the day...
The two coasters were the only rides I rode here since I just just gotten enough tickets to ride them but there were a few other bigger rides here.
Like this Tilt-a-Whirl
and this nice looking Scrambler
Random fountain in the lake.
They also have the same zip line that Fun Spot on 192 had for about a month.
Miners Maze Adventureland is the newest attraction here... and was clearly the most popular one today.
I would have ridden the Eli Wheel.. but... no singles :/
And since I ended up with a couple of extra tickets, I took the Python Pit for a second ride where I somehow managed to rip a giant hole in the side of my shorts while exiting the train. </3
Maannn, and they had a Chance Space Shuttle!
But it was closed.
(Only my third time ever seeing one in person!)
Neat older photos of the park posted in one of the shops. I guess at one point they had water slides here too.
The crazy gift shops here were a lot like the ones found at Old Town in Kissimmee
This one stunk so bad I got a headache... and with that, I was off to my third stop of the day, the Mile High Flea Market.
Oh man, Dinosaur Ridge!
(next time.... :( )
Mile High Flea Market hit the enthusiasts radar in 2000 when it opened a kiddie coaster of its own.
The place is far classier than the other 'amusement park' flea markets I've visited
But still just as random. Just looking around at all the stalls... I kept wondering, who buys all this crap?
Like these lovely pink cowboy boots...
Or whatever this crap is....
Or annnyyyyything seen here!
I didn't dare enter the Event Center.
Just.... strange.
But I did make my way to the very back of the market to find the riders area. The place is so big I ended up using GoogleMaps on my phone to locate the coaster!
Badlands 4X4 Express tracked ride.
Little Wisdom Himalaya.
And this odd looking little Sizzler ride... I assume also built by Wisdom.
(I'd never seen one like this before)
I got enough tickets to go on two rides at the market.
The giant fun slide
Woo, slides!
(But I really only got the tickets for this so I could get a photo of the coaster)
Haha, yeesss! Dragon Coaster!
Uh, my third kiddie coaster of the day, and sixth kiddie coaster in Colorado!
It was surprisingly forceful, really.
After taking my ride and getting a few photos, I headed back to my car and set off the magical drive to.... Wyoming.
Passing the Anheuser-Busch Brewery in Fort Collins
But more excitingly...
A mall carnival!
I was tempted to pull off the next ramp and try and backtrack to it... but it clearly wasn't operating while I passed it. I also failed to see any coasters in passing... But there was an ARM Drop Tower and Vertigo swings.
So I kept driving north.....
Where I saw my first wild Buffalo!!!!
And then.... I entered Wyoming.
(State #43!!!)

Making my way onward to Cheyenne, the Capitol.
Yaayyy, Cheyenne, the Capitol city of Wyoming!
(The 29th US Capitol city I've visited)
And the State House!
(Uh, the 10th US State House I've visited, ha)
Statue of Chief Washakie.
The Wyoming State Seal.
Now lets see what else there is to do around here
Eh... I'll pass....
Making my way around the city I ended up at Lions Park
Yup, Lions Park, Cheyenne, Wyoming.
A fairly large community park just north of Downtown.
Its home to a few small attractions as well as the The Cheyenne Botanic Gardens.
(Although the gardens have been completely torn up for refurbishment and were off limits during my visit....) Lions Park was also home to a small amusement park at one point that even included a kiddie coaster.
There's also a small indoor/outdoor water park within the park.
Both slides start and finish inside, with a spray ground outside.
And an older Mini-Golf course named The Putt Hutt
Simple, but the place was jumpin'
Steam Engine 1242 'Ol' Sadie'
Neat Horseshoe sculpture
Some flowers.. and stuff.
Sloan Lake
:D The first ducks of Wyoming!
Across from the park is the Cheyenne Regional Airport and Cheyenne Air National Guard Base
At the far end of the lake is a small beach and swimming area.
Uh, does this count as the 'In the water in Wyoming' credit?
(the water was freezing! But it felt nice as it was nearly 100*s out)
Uh....Solar Powered Windmill?
How technologically unnecessary.
Flowers... and stuff.
Deathly boardwalk area over the marsh
Paul Smith Children's Village
This is as close to the Botanic Gardens I was gonna get.
But it was still rather nice.
Oh man, a bear!
After leaving Lions Park, I gassed up my car and hit the road for Rock Springs, a good 260 miles to the west, pretty much driving across the entire bottom edge of the state.

Rob had mentioned that I *needed* to stop at this "Point of Interest" on the way to Rock Springs. I guess when he had visited Wyoming earlier this year he thought this was pretty amazing...
Wyoming... home to the amazing TREE ROCK
Yup.. a rock.. with a tree growing out of it.
Its so famous it has its own rest area pull off from the highway and historical marker!
Well worth the stop.
"what did you do in Wyoming?"
"Well, uh, I went to the Tree Rock"
Neat rock formations, woo.
A whole lot of nothingness in the middle of nowhere Wyoming.
Mountain.. thing
Annddd... Pulling up into Rock Springs. After finding my hotel and getting a snack, I fell asleep. Tomorrow was gonna be a big day but would leave me slightly disappointed due to my last minute changes... I still manged to make the best of it (and it was still pretty spectacular)

Uh.. Yeah.

Twitter Stuff
Water World - Photo
Ripped shorts - Photo
Heritage Square coasters (via Vine) - Video
 Mile High Dragon - Photo
Mile High Dragon (via Vine) - Video
Wyoming State House - Photo
Ducks!!! - Photo
The Tree Rock - Photo

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