Sunday, July 10, 2016

Uh... The City of Clustered Spires?

Just some random photos from walking around Downtown Frederick, Carroll Creek, and Baker Park.
With a few free hours to spend before getting into my typical Amusement Parking, I woke earlier than my alarm was set and decided to get up and explore around for a little bit. Frederick is the eighth largest city in the state of Maryland... although you would never think it walking around mid-morning on a Sunday.
So, uh...
Frederick, Maryland.
What the hell is this?
(a little much, eh?)
Map of the Downtown area.
I walked up and down Carroll Creek 'Linear Park' for a bit. The water is lined with little art installations, fountains, and bridges.
 The creek runs through Frederick to the Monocacy River, and then drains into the Potomac River.
Water lilies are cool
Some of them were flowering.
(love me some lilies)
One of the many, many water features along the paths.
The Zodiac Clock Bridge.
Looking West towered Baker Park
Looking East
You can also see the William O. Lee Suspension Footbridge down the Creek.
Another fountain, it actually dumps back out into the Creek, Its covered by a metal carved grate.
Pretty pretty
I liked this water fall / fountain.
Random sculpture
And... one last photo of the Creek.
The whole area is very pretty and nicely laid out and still expanding. Another 800 more feet or so of park was still under construction during my visit. (heading towered the West)
Quack... quack quack!
And... before I headed out of Frederick onto my next stop of the day....
I made a quick walk around Baker Park. A 58 acre park in the middle of the city.
Hey look, me!
And uh, Carroll Creek... again.
The Joseph Dill Baker Memorial Carillon.
Sadly, I didn't get to hear it sound.
(Based off what I've read online its only used twice a month for about 30 minutes)
I wasn't the only tourist here today....
(aww, and little Geese!)
Carroll Creek dam and the Carillon
This cool looking... thing.
(I tried to look up online what it was... but couldn't find anything)
Flowers.. and stuff.
The Baker Park Band Shell, home to a local Summer Concert Series event.
A fountain in the garden with some questionable looking water.
Oh.. and one of the few playground areas within the park.
Woo. Frederick... A city my mom didn't even know existed
(I actually had to point it out to her on a map a few weeks ago...)


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