Sunday, April 10, 2011


Uh, went to Busch Gardens... Took Rob with me.
A fun day was had, Montu was running oddly good, but still trimmed. Kumba was running amazing and we rode three times... SheiKra became Rob's 100th coaster! (and I made him ride in the front row, on an edge seat) We both somehow got off Congo River Rapids dryer than when we got on (Fresh from Tidal Wave...) And I got my first ride on Gwazi Lion with the Flyers (Tiger was closed), it sucks, still. Extremely rough and from the back row you can see the trains jackhammer and shuffle. Oh, and I pet a Kangaroo while screaming YEAAAHHHHH at it again and again.
Yeah, stuff was done, and happened, and stuff.
Oh, and here's Rob's updated "with me" coaster list... yay!