Monday, November 11, 2013

The Technical Park Loop Fighter, Stinger (FSF)

Mmm, digging around some random folders on my computer I found some of my photos from the 2013 Florida State Fair and just tossed up a few photos of Stinger, a Technical Park built Loop Fighter ride. Stinger was new for the 2012 season and is one of just two Loop Fighters in the US 
(currently... and I've ridden them both! :D )

Woo, Reithoffer Shows Stinger. It swings back and forth... goes over the top doing a 360* flip.. And the cars can be locked and unlocked to freely swing/rock/flip. Its super fun, although it runs what I'd consider a short cycle (but I've got an extremely high tolerance to rides) short cycle or not, its still a fun ride and can be pretty intense depending on how your row of seats flips and rocks while in the "unlocked" mode.
(Also, when doing the full swing-loop... it makes me giggle?)
So yeah, photos and stuff.
Also, just for fun..... I've got this lovely on and off ride video of Stinger, at the 2013 Florida State Fair on my youtube page... and I've added it below.

1 comment:

  1. ali brothers is a factory for kinds of amusement game, like ferris wheel, roller coaster, big pendulum, pirate ship, etc.
    wait for your order.
