Thursday, March 20, 2014

Uh, The Food Truck Bazaar; Kissimmee, Florida

So uh.... Food Trucks and stuff... and um.. yeah
The Food Truck Bazaar; Kissimmee, Florida 
presented by The Daily City

So this is a thing now... in my life
Or, we'll see....
Food trucks are big business around here now and Jeff's about to get into it himself with his very own truck, so I've been tagging along with him on my days off as he checks out different meet-ups around Central Florida. woo

You can pretty much find any kind of food you'd like...
Most of the trucks even have their own Facebook, Twitter, and even YouTube pages.
BBQ and TexMex seemed to have the biggest lines at this event in Kissimmee
(gotta know your local population)
Mmmm, snack trucks!
We saw this massive Chicken and Waffles camper a few times.. seems to be pretty popular too.
Oh, and they even have a food tuck for pets!
I hope the people buying stuff here knew it was for their dogs... uhhhh
Annddd even some local ducks were getting in on the action...
(quack quack quack)

(I should be posting some photos from the Osceola County Fair in the next day or so :) )


  1. MmmmHmmmm, I was gonna say, SIX fair visits had happened before this event! You forgot to mention that you'll be Macarollin's walking sandwich board! ;P

  2. ::UPDATE:: You'll be SMAC's walking billboard.
