Saturday, May 3, 2014

So this one time at Denny's........

Yeah....So I love finding all these random "off the beaten path" or Roadside type.....things....
Anyone who's looked into this blog should know that by now
So this one time Jeff and I were at a Denny's on 192 in Kissimmee that had just been refurbished with all these photos from the 40's and 50's and one that caught my eye was a reproduction of a postcard showing "the Monument of States" this awful looking tower... thing. I pointed it out to Jeff and we pretty much assumed whatever it was... was long gone (not even knowing it was *in Florida*) 
A few months later we just happened to be driving around downtown Kissimmee and ended up going right past the thing! needless to say a parking spot was found and photos were taken.. After wondering what the hell we were even looking at I googled Monument of States and found an article about it on RoadsideAmerica. Yeah....

 And... there it is!
The completely awesome Monument of States!
 Each "brick" contains stones and items from a different state, 48 at the time it was built
(now it includes all 50 as well as some 21 other countries!) 
Oh.. and did I mention that one of the other items happens to be a human skull?
And of course I found the Massachusetts brick, dated 1941.
Disney even has a marker... 
placed some five years (almost six, given its placement in January) before the Walt Disney World Resort even opened!
Yeah, you could say I was pretty amused.. even dumbfounded yet oddly excited to have found such a treasure.

More info on the Monument of States can be found on the amazing website RoadsideAmerica

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